Absolutely disgusting.
Having trouble figuring out where to plan your next getaway? Checkout this informative, Auschwitz resort video. These deals are sizzling and will be up in smoke before you know it.
Live, love, laugh.
Asking for a friend, should I trust the science? Noticing lots of things that don’t add up lately…
Don’t just “trust the science.” Do you trust people you have never met? These assholes don’t care about you, never have – never will.
Jewish/UK migration propaganda video using “fish and chips” as a type of common ground.
Fish and chips.
When I ask someone if Israel is our greatest ally – what have they done for America?
USS Liberty, 9/11, and on… Jews hate America.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 3 of 10)
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 2 of 10)
Europa: The Last Battle (official website)