The Ask Project – Religious Israeli “jews”: Is it okay to spit on Christians?
Jews spit on Christians. Do you know what their “talmud” says about you?
DNA pioneer scientist/expert/professional says race, color differences ARE GENETIC – despite social lies.
James Watson: “Father of DNA” – disgraced by jews/fake academics.
Why do so many pedophiles go to Israel? Why is it so famous for trafficking? This page will be updated regularly as I process files.
Jews are pedos. Israel is a pedo-haven.
Man climbs US-Mexico border wall to demonstrate the level of difficulty it requires.
It should be mentioned, that on any given day at least one of the gates is open intentionally without supervision. That’s just ONE breach. Anyone who doesn’t realize we are being intentionally “invaded” or replaced hopefully will before it’s too late. Look at Europe… TELEGRAM BROADCAST CHANNEL AND GROUP: @wokchefjosh4 > @wokchefjosh3 :: wokchefjosh3 🇺🇸🇲🇽
Masked Ukrainians burn a life-like Donald Trump dummy while personally addressing him.
They say because of him – “President” Zelenskyy could not get weapons. Also, no – I can’t be sure those are even Ukrainians as of now. Regardless, I will be posting material like this (“gore”) on the website only from now on. I can link to it, but I don’t want to keep getting channels…
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 1 of 10)
Europa: The Last Battle (official website)
What happened to German (“Nazi”) soldiers who became prisoners after World War 2?
They were quietly executed and memory-holed from history in a sanitized jewish lie that has been taught to every generation since. More German soldiers died in the labor (“concentration”) camps than the fake jewish claims after they were beaten into giving false testimonies about their alleged war crimes.
Donald Rumsfeld gives press conference after 9/11…
$2.3 trillion dollars went missing and none of it was ever recovered to this day…9/11 (September 11th, 2001). This is about a lot more than money though – it’s about all of the lives lost, and how those who orchestrated the event were never brought to justice due to their wealth, status and/or power. Donald…