Some Jews play with coins.
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Cool new videogame (fake) starring: the Fuhrer and his most loyal Storm Chicken. Join them as they clip Shlomo’s coins to save humanity (only on Nintendo 64).
This game is not real. Also, I only added sound effects to the .webm files I rescued from 4chan (/pol/) – I didn’t overlay the graphics… Thank you, whoever did. Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Merry Christmas /pol/ – Hitler (Silent Night) 2024 Special
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
CBS (News) Reports documentary, “Arming Ukraine” – was censored instantly after its release…I wonder why. Only 30% of the money we sent made it to the imaginary “war effort” (slow genocide/money laundering).
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Leon Degrelle Speaks (1976 – Against Jews/Their Degeneracy That We Are Plagued With)
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Why US “federal agents” cannot be trusted: part 1 (compilation).
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
How much do Jews/Israel influence America (Part 1)? Well…
Click to enlarge. Jews have infiltrated and compromised every aspect of society. They can only survive as parasites with a host. Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Communism/Bolshevism are 100% Jewish from start to finish (so are socialism, Judaism…and so on).
Original Jewish Antifa/communists…