Horrors of Reality: October (2024) Special
Horrors of Reality: October (2024) Special
German commercial downplays the severity of extreme cold weather; promotes techniques that should only be used when desperate.
These people are so detached from reality it’s not even funny. I wonder what it’s like to have your head that far up your ass that it reaches space?
Putin looks at space images ran through Google’s “neural network” and AI labels them as fake…
Man runs to assist woman who is almost raped by migrant in Ireland (will add more context later).
Ireland hero saves woman from migrant rapist.
Bird drops shellfish onto car windshield (they break the shell to access the meat…).
Bird drops shellfish.
Meet Hailey Lujan: US military psychological operation e-girl – ex-stripper hired to recruit simps (it didn’t work, quite the opposite really).
Hailey Luhan
Jewish man wins “Guiness World Record” for having longest nose.
Jewish man wins “Guiness World Record” for having longest nose.