What is “anhedonia?”
anhedonia /ăn″hē-dō′nē-ə/ noun The inability to experience pleasure, as seen in certain mood disorders. The inability to feel pleasure. An inability to experience pleasure. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Asking for a friend, should I trust the science? Noticing lots of things that don’t add up lately…
Don’t just “trust the science.” Do you trust people you have never met? These assholes don’t care about you, never have – never will.
Weather modification by US government [Video]
Since WW2, the U.S. govt. has been able to manipulate the weather.🌧️ By the 60s, we could control & even weaponize it. In the 70s, Congress introduced a bill to regulate weather manipulation… Now, NC residents are asking if the govt had a hand in the hurricane that tore through their state. For more information…
‘Squish Olaf Scholz: the new viral trend in Germany’ -Sputnik Ru Videos
The trend of “anti-stress” images of politicians generated by the Pika neural network has reached Germany. Viral videos featuring Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Economy Minister Robert Habeck in a squishy, stress-relief form are taking over the internet. Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3Website: https://wokchefjosh.com
DNA pioneer scientist/expert/professional says race, color differences ARE GENETIC – despite social lies.
James Watson: “Father of DNA” – disgraced by jews/fake academics.
‘Eco-activists’ smear red paint all over Finland’s parliament in Helsinki
Activists from Extinction Rebellion Finland and the Swedish organization Aterstall Vatmarker vandalized several granite columns at the building’s main entrance. They told AFP they were protesting against the Finnish state-owned company Neova mining peat in Swedish wetlands.