Don’t Get Vaccinated (Jewish Health/Population Control): Part 1 (Video)
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Horrors of War (Part 1): Ukrainian suicide drone, dancing Jews, and some unfortunate injuries/mutilations that will drastically decrease these soldiers’ quality of life.
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Some Jews play with coins (as Jews do).
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3Website: https://wokchefjosh.com
Documentary about the unholy beginning of the fake nation of Israel (Israelis are not Israelites) – 1948: Creation and Catastrophe
Telegram Broadcast Channel: https://t.me/wokchefjosh4Group Discussion: https://t.me/wokchefjosh3BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OPbvXqOfTYlM
Horrors of Reality: October (2024) Special
Horrors of Reality: October (2024) Special
Israel puts YouTube ads on videos for children in an attempt to manipulate parents for sympathy.
Where is this symbol in the Bible? Nowhere.
Alleged “3D blueprints” of Tel Aviv building in Israel harboring aircrafts and a carrier underneath.
3D blueprints of Israeli hiding military assets in a Tel Aviv building (allegedly).
What is Hamas and where did it come from? Yep, Jews did that too.