Donald Rumsfeld gives press conference after 9/11…
$2.3 trillion dollars went missing and none of it was ever recovered to this day…9/11 (September 11th, 2001). This is about a lot more than money though – it’s about all of the lives lost, and how those who orchestrated the event were never brought to justice due to their wealth, status and/or power. Donald…
New Colorado residents (Venezuelan illegal migrants) go on shopping spree…
New Colorado residents (Venezuelan illegal migrants) decide to go on a shopping spree for free! They enrich the local market’s culture by taking whatever they want to spread diversity. Join us on Telegram for 24/7 content, unfiltered for free: Broadcast channel > https://t.me/wokchefjosh4 Group > https://t.me/wokchefjosh3 Thank you for reading!
Why does the media force interracial couples in an unnatural manner?
Have you noticed how every advertisement, movie, or TV show ALWAYS has an interracial couple and a gay friend/something like that. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Well, that’s because of the jews too…
Hello. It’s been a busy, difficult push forward…but we are ready to post daily. You can’t tell by the empty repository we have here, but after today you will be able to. wokchefjosh.com is ready for daily posting (yeah…right). Stick around. Nothing to lose, but everything to learn… Thank you for being here. Visit us…
Historian David Irving discusses Hitler’s June 1940 peace offer….
which proposed an alliance with the British Empire and protection against any external threats. This offer even generously included protection from threats posed by Hitler’s own allies.